Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


George Zucco is Dr. Cameron, a typical mad scientist wishing to exact revenge on those who mocked his theories.  Glenn Strange is Petro, Cameron's not-too-bright gardener and experimental victim.  The beautiful and sad Anne Nagel, whose tear-jerker life would make a very depressing movie, is Lenora, Dr. Cameron's sweet, innocent, and ultimately suspicious daughter.  Former Our Ganger Johnny Downs plays heroic (?) reporter Tom Gregory, to whom Lenora turns for help.  The Robert Strange, who plays the minor role of Professor Blaine, is evidently not related to Glenn Strange.

Typical 1940s horror movie cast?  Check.  Eerie swamp setting?  Check.  Strange organ music?  Check.  What else do you need for this type of B-movie?

Oh.  Right.  How about a murderous werewolf?

Yes, Dr. Cameron has invented a formula that turns people into werewolves.  In this case, just one werewolf -- the not-too-bright gardener, Petro.  Petro may have a hard time learning simple commands, like "Sit," "Beg," "Stay," or "Roll over," but he's an ace at one command -- "Kill."

Helmed by prolific "Poverty Row" director Sam Neufield (276 credits on IMDb, including cult classic The Terror of Tiny Town), the film was written by Fred Myton, who also gave us the gorilla jungle flick Nabonga and a gazillion low budget oaters.

The Mad Monster has both dedicated fans and dedicated haters.  I side with those who really like the film.  Which side you will be on?


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